About Me

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i'll do everything to be happy , i'll be with everyone who make me smile , i'll laugh as much as i breathe and once i love someone , i'll love him as long as i live . well , hell yes , that's me . so , welcome to my world.

Monday, November 21

senyumlah walaupun disakiti (;

kadangkala kita senyum hanya sekadar untuk menutup kelukaan di hati.
 dan kadangkala kita ketawa hanya untuk mengubati kesedihan dalam diri.
adakalanya kita melangkah penuh yakin sedangkan perasaan goyah menunggu rebah,
bila menangis tiada siapa yang tahu semua nya kerana maruah diri.

walau siapa pun kita, walau di mana kita berada, 
ingatlah, langit tetap dijunjung, tanah tetap dipijak.
selagi hidup, teruskanlah melangkah dan jangan sesekali kesal dengan nasib diri kita kerana kita adalah sebahagian dari makhluk Allah yang sedang terpilih melalui ujianNya.

let go of the hate, forget all of the pain. after all, it won't help you. 
it just twisted you into someone you don't recognize. and surely you don't want to keep it that way do you ?

senyumlah, walaupun dirimu disakiti (;

Thursday, November 17


 just because she comes off strong, it doesn't mean she didn't fall asleep crying.
even though she acts like nothing's wrong, maybe she's just really good at acting

on the surface, she was still a happy girl.
but those who criticize her never saw her as who she are,
when she cry like a baby because she often felt herself so inadequate.
but now, she's been crying again. she doesn't mean to.
and she doesn't want to.
she just have to. 

mistakes are sometimes the best memories .